Ya’ll, I have had the absolute best time photographing seniors from the W&M Class of 2023! There are so many moments in your lives that I feel privileged to photograph and be a part of – from weddings to special family moments and huge accomplishments you are celebrating… I sincerely thank you for choosing Mattie Wezah Photography!

This spring has been crazy busy as I have been running back and forth to the William and Mary College campus for senior portrait sessions, group sessions and even graduation parties (well, let’s be real, I drive my car as running is NOT my thing). It has been SO MUCH FUN celebrating with each of you – hearing your plans for the future is so inspiring.
While I have numerous favorites from each of these sessions, some highlights include the image above with a group of seniors laughing on the Wren building steps and this image below of Talia walking in Old Campus. How fun to walk these historic paths where so many have come before.

As a William and Mary alum myself, I definitely feel super nostalgic each time I’m on campus. It truly is a special place. Every senior loves taking images at the Crim Dell Bridge as well as the iconic Wren Building in Old Campus, so you’ll see a variety of images there in my posts this time of year. To the W&M Class of 2023, CONGRATULATIONS! You did it, and we wish you all the best!

“William & Mary loved of old
Hark upon the gale,
Hear the thunder of our chorus
Alma Mater – Hail.”

If you’re hoping to schedule senior portraits, it’s never too late! I still have sessions scheduled this summer with some of you who have decided to stay around the ‘Burg. Pull out that cap and gown, and let’s connect today!