I can’t believe it’s already time for back to school pictures! Let’s be honest, MORNINGS ARE HARD!!! Add kids and trying to get ready for the first day back, I’m just happy I got a few pictures. It was a super humid (somewhat foggy) morning, and we enjoyed snapping a few before jumping in the car.

I cannot believe that my kids have gotten so big! Ezra is 2 (three soon) and Noah is 7 (going on 17). I’m sure it will be a rough transition for Ezra as he gets used to a new classroom and new teachers. He is also scheduled for surgery soon to have his adenoids removed in hopes that will help with his hearing and speech issues.

Noah is so advanced, we are praying he adjusts well and isn’t too bored in third grade. He is reading middle school level books and teaching himself math concepts ahead of his grade level. We are super proud of him as he is also in the gifted program at school and tests high on all of the school assessments.

Happy first day of school to these big boys of ours, and I hope you enjoyed a few of our back to school pictures! 🙂